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ALLEN Career Institute: A Legacy of Excellence and Success

ALLEN Career Institute: A Legacy of Excellence and Success Title: ALLEN Career Institute: A Legacy of Excellence and Success Introduction In the pursuit of excellence, some institutions stand out as beacons of inspiration and achievement. ALLEN Career Institute is one such pioneer in the field of coaching for competitive exams. Founded on April 18, 1988, and named in loving memory of Late Shri Laxmi Narayan Maheshwari, ALLEN has grown into a synonym of SUCCESS. With a strong foundation and a relentless dedication to their mission, ALLEN has become a trusted name in the realm of coaching for IIT-JEE, NEET, and other competitive exams. The Humble Beginnings The journey of ALLEN began with Shri Rajesh Maheshwari, who started the institute with just eight students. Later, Dr. K.G. Vaishnava, an eminent professor of Biology, joined him. What set ALLEN apart from its peers was its unique approach of providing coaching for all

"Unraveling the Significance of NCERT Books for JEE Mains Preparation"

Unraveling the Significance of NCERT Books for JEE Mains Preparation


The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is a gateway for countless engineering aspirants in India. The fierce competition and vast syllabus make effective preparation essential. Among the plethora of study materials available, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) books stand as a pillar of knowledge. In this article, we will explore the unparalleled importance of NCERT books in JEE Main preparation and how they complement other resources to ensure success.

Why NCERT Books are Recommended for JEE Main?

  1. Comprehensive Coverage of Concepts:

    NCERT books are renowned for their comprehensive and in-depth coverage of fundamental concepts across various subjects. By studying from these books, aspirants build a strong foundation, which proves invaluable in tackling the complex questions of the JEE Main exam.

  2. Direct Inclusion of Questions:

    Over the years, JEE Main examiners have occasionally included questions directly from NCERT books. Particularly in subjects like Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, some questions have been directly taken from NCERT. Being familiar with the NCERT content increases the chances of answering such questions with accuracy.

  3. Alignment with Official Syllabus:

    The syllabus prescribed by the JEE Main examination aligns closely with the CBSE's Class 11 and 12 boards, making NCERT books an ideal reference material. Students preparing for both JEE Main and board exams find NCERT books advantageous, as they cover almost all topics required for both.

NCERT Books for JEE Main: Subject-Wise Analysis

  1. Chemistry:

    NCERT Chemistry books for Class 11 and 12 serve as a goldmine for JEE Main aspirants. Notably, the inorganic chemistry section and discussions on p-block elements in these books have proven to be relevant for the exam. While NCERT helps in revising basics, candidates must supplement their preparation with other JEE Main-specific books for topics like Physical Chemistry.

  2. Physics:

    Physics, being a core subject, demands a deeper understanding of concepts. While NCERT books provide a solid foundation, they may not be sufficient for in-depth preparation. Candidates should seek reference from additional resources, such as S. L. Arora's book, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Coaching classes and expert advice can also prove beneficial in mastering complex topics.

  3. Mathematics:

    NCERT Mathematics books have consistently contributed to the success of JEE Main aspirants. Many questions in the exam have been repeated from these books. Students are advised to practice all exercises provided in the NCERT books to strengthen their mathematical skills.

Addressing Limitations of NCERT Books:

  • Limited Practice Problems:

    NCERT books often have a limited number of practice problems. To overcome this, candidates should supplement their preparation with other reference books and solve previous year question papers to get a diverse set of questions.

  • Question Pattern:

    JEE Main questions are known for their unique patterns, which may sometimes differ from the typical NCERT-style questions. To adapt to the exam's format, it is essential to solve mock tests and sample papers.

  • Inadequate Preparation for JEE Advanced:

    Though NCERT books are crucial for JEE Main, they may not be sufficient for JEE Advanced, which demands a deeper understanding and application of concepts. Aspirants should start using more advanced books and study materials as they progress towards JEE Advanced preparation.

Best Books for JEE Main Preparation (in addition to NCERT):

1. Physics:

  • Concepts of Physics (Part I and Part II) by H.C. Verma
  • IIT JEE Physics by D.C. Pandey
  • Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov

2. Chemistry:

  • Organic Chemistry by Morrison Boyd
  • Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by R.C. Mukherjee
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee

3. Mathematics:

  • IIT Mathematics by M.L. Khanna
  • The Pearson Guide to Complete Mathematics for JEE by S.L. Loney
  • Objective Mathematics (Vol 1 and Vol 2) by R.D. Sharma


NCERT books are undoubtedly an indispensable part of JEE Main preparation. They lay a strong foundation and ensure a conceptual understanding of the subjects. However, to excel in this fiercely competitive exam, aspirants must combine their NCERT knowledge with other reference materials, solving diverse sets of questions, and practicing mock tests. With dedication and strategic preparation, JEE Main can be conquered, and dreams of pursuing engineering can become a reality.


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